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Got Questions? We've Got Answers!

What is Klynke Time Management?

Klynke Time Management is a seamless time tracking solution integrated within Microsoft 365 & Teams. Operating in the secure Microsoft Azure cloud environment, it combines familiarity, ease of use, and security.

How do I start my fre trial?

Embark on a 30-day journey with Klynke, where you gain full access to all our features, seamlessly integrated with Microsoft 365 and Teams:

  • Start yoyr free trial by signing up and specifying your team size – we cater from individual users to unlimited team members.

  • Ready to explore Klynke? Start Your Free Trial

How do I track time in Klynke?

Learn the basics and build your knowledge with our online Quick Guide

Security - will my data be safe?

Klynke prioritizes data privacy and operates securely within Microsoft Azure. We employ industry-standard security measures and do not retain customer data.

What happens at the end of my free trial?

At the conclusion of your 30-day free trial, if you chose recurring billing during the 'Get-it-now' process, your account will automatically transition to a paid subscription. Rest assured, your account will seamlessly convert to our paid subscription when your trial ends, ensuring uninterrupted access to all of Klynke's powerful features. Your subscription will be managed through Microsoft.

If you prefer a trial-only experience, no action is needed on your part; your access will conclude with the trial period. Please be assured that your privacy is our top priority. Klynke does not retain customer data. Your information remains secure within your Microsoft 365 environment, supported by our commitment to privacy and the robust security of Microsoft Azure. Our doors are always open for you to explore again.

Does my free trial have limited features?

The 30-day free trial offers full access to all features for a complete experience.

How do I cancel a trial or a subscription?

Canceling is straightforward. Please follow these steps:

  • Log in to your account.

  • Navigate to 'Admin' and then to the 'Billing' tab.

  • Under 'Your Products,' locate 'Klynke Time Management.'

  • Initiate the cancellation process from there.

Remember, only the billing owner of a paid account can cancel a paid plan.

Do I have to sign a contract?

No contracts. Our service is month-to-month, and you can cancel anytime.

What payment methods are accepted?

Payment can be made using various credit cards, including MasterCard, Visa, and American Express. Please note that all billing processes are managed through Microsoft. Entering a credit card is a Microsoft policy for identity verification and to facilitate potential billing post-trial.

Are there any coverage fees?

We believe in transparency. There are no hidden fees with Klynke.

How are users counted towards billing?

Billing adapts to your team size, calculated monthly based on current user count.

Who is Klynke For?

For small and medium-sized businesses seeking efficient time tracking as well as for or freelancers and independent contractors. Time tracking software such as Klynke is highly beneficial for freelancers and independent contractors. It helps accurately track billable hours for client invoicing, manage multiple projects simultaneously, gain insights into productivity, and create detailed reports for transparent client communication and project management. Whether you're working solo or as part of a team, time tracking software can improve efficiency, accurately prepare documents to bill clients, and provide valuable insights into time utilization.

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Solution Overview


Quick Guide



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